Database Memory & Disk IO Management
How the DBMS manages its memory and move data back-and-forth from disk.
Spatial Control:
- Where to write pages on disk.
- The goal is to keep pages that are used together often as physically close together as possible on disk.
Temporal Control:
- When to read pages into memory, and when to write them to disk.
- The goal is to minimize the number of stalls from having to read data from disk.
Locks VS. Latches
Locks 处理的是数据库层面的并发问题,保证在多用户环境下对数据库中的逻辑结构(如表、行等)进行并发访问时的数据一致性;
Latches 处理的是数据库内部实现层面的并发问题,用来保护数据库内部的数据结构(如内存中的缓冲池、索引树节点等),避免在同一时间内被不同的内部线程或进程并发访问而导致的问题。
- Protects the database's logical contents from other transactions.
- Held for transaction duration.
- Need to be able to rollback changes.
- Protects the critical sections of the DBMS's internal data structure from other threads.
- Held for operation duration.
- Do not need to be able to rollback changes.
Page Directory VS. Page Table
Page Directory is the mapping from page ids to page locations in the database files.
- All changes must be recorded on disk to allow the DBMS to find on restart.
Page Table is the mapping from page ids to a copy of the page in buffer pool frames.
- This is an in-memory data structure that does not need to be stored on disk.
Buffer Pool
Meta Data
- Dirty Flag
- Pin/Reference Counter
- Access Tracking Information
Multiple Buffer Pools
使用多个缓存池有助于减少 Latches 对性能带来的影响。
Approach #1: Object Id
- Embed an object identifier in record ids and then maintain a mapping from objects to specific buffer pools.
Approach #2: Hashing
- Hash the page id to select whichbuffer pool to access.
预测接下来可能要从硬盘读取的 Page,提前读取并缓存
- Sequential Scans
- Index Scans
Scan Sharing,,
上面两条指令都需要读取表 A。
Buffer Pool Bypass
- Memory is local to running query.
- Works well if operator needs to read a large sequence of pages that are contiguous on disk.
- Can also be used for temporary data (sorting, joins).
Buffer Replacement
Least-Recently Used (LRU)
维护每个 Page 最后被访问的时间戳,当需要将一个 Page 清出缓存时,将时间戳最小的 Page 清除。
Clock (Second Chance Replacement, SCR)
Clock 算法不需要使用时间戳,而是维护一个循环链表,每一个链表节点对应一个 Page,每一个节点都有一个引用位,,。
当一个 Page 被访问时,它的引用位会被置为 1。当需要淘汰一个 Page 时,算法会从队列的某个位置开始扫描,寻找第一个引用位为 0 的 Page。如果找到这样的 Page,则将其作为淘汰的候选者。如果一轮扫描下来没有找到引用位为 0 的 Page,则这一轮扫描结束时会将所有 Page 的访问位重置为 0,然后从头开始新的一轮扫描。
Clock 算法正如其名字中的 “Second”,其会优先移除缓存中没有被二次使用的 Page 以尽量使复用率高的 Page 留在缓存中。
LRU 和 Clock 的缺点
LRU + Clock only tracks when a page was last accessed, but not how often a page is accessed.
Sequential Flooding
追踪对一个 Page 的最后 K 次访问(通常使用 K=2),优先清除缓存中被访问次数小于 K 的 Page。
Dirty Page
对于在缓存中的 Page,要将其 Evict,有两种情况
- 未被修改的 Page,可直接 Evict。
- 被写入过的 Page,即 dirty page,需要将其内容写入到磁盘后再 Evict。
Background Writing
用单独的线程,周期性扫描所有 Page,并将 dirty page 写入磁盘。
使用直接读写来绕过操作系统的 Page 缓存机制,实现对数据持久化的完全控制。